Home Tuition Programme

Achieve Rapid Language Learning Through Immersive Home Tuition

It is the most effective way to make rapid progress: you stay with your teacher who will give you private lessons tailored to your needs and goals.

It completely immerses you in the language you are learning as you put into practice what you have learnt during your lessons through social interactions and meal times with your host.

The Home Tuition Programme includes:

  • 10h*, 15h, 20h, 25h or 30h private language lessons per week

  • Accommodation in your teacher’s home

  • Meals and social interaction with your host

Choose the number of language lessons you require and personalise your Programme according to your needs, interests and preferences with a multitude of options and specialisations to choose from. Some things cannot be learnt by studying in the traditional way, fluency is achieved through living the language, using the target language constantly and in your everyday life. Culture, entertainment, leisure and current events are embedded in people’s language and these are as much part of the language learning process as the lessons.

*10 hours must be combined with General Activities and/or Cultural Visits and/or Farm Activities.

⚠ Students under 18 must book General Activities, Farm Activities and/or Cultural Visits with their Home Tuition Programme.